Do celebrities buy YouTube views?


YouTube is, by far, one of the most popularly used social media platforms in today's

age, having the most extensive viewership globally. On such a broadly used

platform, the race to the top is getting more challenging by the day, with many

players participating. Thus, several creators are moving towards quicker and

smarter ways to get noticed by a wider audience. Among the many creators

publishing their content, there is a broad category of celebrities running a

tight rope to stay in the limelight. Celebrities are known to have a massive

fan-following, leading them to have an extraordinarily high number of likes and

views on their videos. But, the question is, are these views even organic? Or

are they merely purchased? Well, in this particular write-up, we shall address

these questions in detail to have a broader understanding of some of YouTube's

top shots. 


Do celebrities buy views for their YouTube videos?

Yes, more celebrities than we may realize having been purchasing likes and views for their YouTube videos for a long time now. It is a relatively common practice among stars

compared to regular creators mainly because celebrities are expected to live up

to a particular stature and are judged based on that for brand promotions and

other such things. In addition to that, they can easily afford such a purchase

and severely benefit from it more than regular people. Even the online services

that provide fake views are flourished due to famous personalities' long-term

investments. Besides, it is not illegal to buy views, making the process an

even more viable option among celebrities to create that sense of popularity,

which eventually works in their interest. 

Now that we have an ideal picture of the scenario let us understand celebrities'

advantages by buying views. 


How do celebrities benefit from it?

Celebrities incur significant earnings through paid advertisements and brand

collaborations. But to get noticed by brands and established organizations,

they need to have a massive audience. Only then will brands approach them to

promote their products as a part of their marketing strategy. And therefore,

celebrities work the shortcut route by buying views and likes on their YouTube

videos as it enables a sense of credibility to their channel. Besides, YouTube views

are also purchased by musicians, bands, and other notable artists to create an

illusion of high viewership that often leads to more people viewing their

content, making their investment entirely worth it. Due to all these concrete reasons, celebrities opt for buying views as it is a seemingly quicker route to growing an audience, and the cost can be easily incurred through these benefits. 




In conclusion, every creator on YouTube strives to grow their audience to get the

algorithm to support their channel, ultimately leading to paid partnerships and

brand collaborations. Since organic means are more time consuming and require a

massive amount of dedication and efforts, opting for purchased engagement seems

to be a relatively more viable option. It helps them boost their channel and

establish their name in the face of a massive audience. 


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